Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 23 2023
- Time: 8:30 pm - 11:55 pm
Light snow
37 °F
Wind: 6 MPH
Humidity: 72 %
Feels like: 33 °F
What’s up, producers?
I wanted to do something special in NYC, which I usually do in November for my Bday, but I decided to do one before to set the tone!
We are happy to announce our CLBRTY CYPHR Producer Experience!
I am providing an opportunity for 15 producers on Tues Sept 26th at Katra NYC to do an opening set prior to my CLBRTY producers pressing play.
The CLBRTY producers are
Motif Alumni [Fabolous, Rick Ross, MoneyBaggYo]
Vinny Idol [The Lox, Method Man, Redman, NEMS]
BPZY aka Baby Paul [Nas, AZ, Fat Joe, The Fab 5]
-Fee if selected
-You get to have 5 beats played [you’ll send in advance]
-I will make you a personal graphic to promote to fans
-You will be provided with a link to promote free entry
-You will receive an exclusive Creative Space Hat